It might be the end of summer, but even though the kids are heading back to school, the weather is still good and hot. And you know that milder and even cold temperatures are just around the corner, so we don’t want you to get caught flat-footed. That’s why right now is the perfect time to have your car’s AC inspected, and even repaired, to face the coming temperatures. But not every car needs a full AC inspection right now. How do you know if yours does or doesn’t?
How Long Has It Been?
When was the last time you had your car’s AC serviced? If it was more than six months ago, chances are you are due for a service. Most auto repair shops recommend having your AC serviced about twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. This ensures that your AC will be able to handle the heating and cooling responsibilities it will have during the summer and winter. If its been longer than six months since you had a pro look at your car’s AC, it is time.
No Air, Or Wrong Temperatures
If your AC is blowing the wrong temperature (cold when set to hot and vice versa), or it isn’t blowing at all, it is definitely time for a check-up. Our team can inspect the entire system and find the problem fast. Often, it is a simple lack of refrigerant that is the culprit, but no matter the issue, we will get you back on the road in comfort.
Make An Appointment
If its been too long since your last AC appointment or your AC is malfunctioning or not working at all, it is time for an AC check-up. All you have to do is make an appointment with us and we will take care of the rest.